How can we make plastics more sustainable

Rising consumer consciousness is continuing to heighten demand for plastic that is earth-friendly. There are a number of strategies for limiting the impact of plastic, and no single one is likely to solve the sustainability problem on its own.

One such strategy is to use renewable feedstock to make plastic without losing forest and disturbing the food production. They help us to make better use of the materials that have already been produced and ensure that we’re not pushing the problem of petroleum-based plastic production off on the next generation.

Using wood as a renewable feedback may not always be sustainable, especially if they are not from sustainable forestry. Also, using starch and oil as a renewable feedback that are actually used in the food production is not desirable. It is important to find ways to use renewable sources that are usually side streams of another product for making plastics.

At Spectalite, our biocomposites are made with crop-waste and fast-renewables from farm, factory and forest. These do not result in tree felling and hence preserve biodiversity. Further, this approach creates a positive socio-economic impact while addressing the ecological problem fundamentally.